Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated -

  • What is the minimum engagement?

    We start at $1,000.00. That's typically enough for one of us to get in and take a look around the system and provide some feedback. Once we get rolling, we just go hourly in 15 minute increments.

  • How long is your typical engagement?

    Most of our clients keep us around. We feel a fiduciary like responsibility to support clients until they are ready to move on.

  • Our system is highly customized, how to you deal with understanding that?

    We read the code. The source code is always the source of truth.

  • What is your process for implementing changes?

    We've got to fix the aircraft while it's fliying so to speak. A combination of roll back procedures, feature flags and externalization has worked well for us.

  • Is there an additional discount when paid up front?

    Clients are able to purchase hours in bulk at a discount. We prefer to bill on value delivered since it aligns the incentives properly and we don't like running meters.

  • Are there any recurring costs?

    Depending on how we deploy, we may deploy on a variety of cloud services. We pass on these costs on to the client and a predetermined markup similar to a general contractor on a house.

  • Who owns the code?

    We both do. We're not going to sell the solution we develop for our clients to their competitor, that's just bad style. But we're not interested in a intellectual propertly lawsuit either so we keep it simple. Let's be honest, we're just writing tomorrow's refactoring job.

    How do you handle disputes?

    We don't have them.